Camp Choson Board
St. Croix Valley Korean American Cultural Society Inc.
All your responses will be held in confidence for Board purposes only.
MISSION (Who we are and what we do today)
Fostering positive connections to and identity formation with(in) Korean heritage, culture, and community
VISION (How we see ourselves, our people, and our space moving forward)
Creating an immersive space that supports, models, and nurtures the many understandings and experiences of having Korean identities, so individuals can see themselves and their connection to Korea as an important and positive part of their narrative.
VALUES: (What we value)
Positive Narrative
Fostering positive self-image and identity connected to Korea and learning to celebrate oneself and their cultural connections
A place for individuals connected to Korea to unite with a community that has similar stories and experiences
Engaging youth of Korean and mixed-Korean backgrounds as they live, play, and work in primarily white spaces
Attending to the confusion, trauma, and curiosities of Korean adoptees’ individual and collective stories
Helping people understand their connection(s) to Korea, Korean culture, and other Korean individuals
Discovering and deepening understanding of the Korean language, culture, tradition, and history.